2013 Mid-Atlantic Research Set-Aside Program
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The organizers of the program requires that the research proposals of the eligible applicants concentrate on the following program priorities:

a) The execution of fishery independent surveys for all Mid-Atlantic species, especially in near shore zones.

b) The study of the interactions between Longfin Squids, Butterfish, Atlantic Mackerel & River Herrings.

c) The evaluation of the length, weight, and age compositions of landed and discarded fish in the summer flounder fisheries through their sex.

d) The evaluation of the amount, length, weight, and age compositions of Bluefish discards from the commercial and recreational fisheries.

e) The determination of the size, age-at-maturity, and growth parameters of the Illex squid population.

f) The approximation of the fishery components that is utilized to calculate scup mortality.

g) The investigation of the effects of hook size and other fishing practices on catchability of Tilefishes.

The institutions and organizations who will be considered eligible to participate in this funding opportunity are institutions of higher education, hospitals, nonprofit organizations, commercial organizations, individuals, and State, local, and Native American tribal governments.

2013 Mid-Atlantic Research Set-Aside Program
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