There are several different ways that you can locate grants and scholarships to assist with the cost of attending a college or university. Most school guidance counselors have listings of available grants and scholarships, as well as application information on many of them. Additionally, the financial aid offices of the colleges and universities where prospective students are considering attending can provide detailed information on many of the scholarships and grants that their students receive.
The internet can also be a useful tool in assisting your search, allowing you to find grants and scholarships that can be applied for that many people don't even know exist. While all of these might not be large grants or scholarships, even smaller ones can provide some much-needed financial aid.
The Application Process
Unlike many loans, the applications for grants and scholarships are usually somewhat involved and may require several different items in addition to the application. Many scholarship and grant applications require letters of recommendation from former teachers, community or business leaders, or others who can speak knowingly of the applicant, and they may also require essays or other written pieces from the applicant as well.
Those scholarships and grants that are given based upon financial need may require that tax statements or earned income statements be provided by the student or by their parents, so that the decision makers might be able to determine that the student falls within the level of financial need that is needed for the particular grant or scholarship.
Others may also require that the student or their parents be employed in a certain industry, be a member of a certain organization, or meet other criteria set forth when the grant or scholarship was first created.
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About The Author
John Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help homeowners find the best available loans via the website.
Bina Sitaram, a 40-year old former senior garment technician in the fashion industry, has created a social enterprise that affords young students lessons in healthy living by holding gardening, cooking and arts and crafts sessions.