What is the Difference between Getting a Federal Student Loan and a Private Student Loan? Student loans can be very tricky, and are very confusing to most. In many situations, families are accepted for all different kind of loans and then are left in the dark when it is time to pay it back or fail to realize that they owe as much due to accrued interest. A Guide to Student Grants and Scholarships Colleges and universities can be expensive... sometimes getting accepted into the school of your choice can be the easy part of the educational journey of the new student. It isn't always easy to find ... Are You Eligible To Receive A Federal Student Aid? The Department of Education offers several types of educational financial assistance such as grants, federal loans, and work-study programs. It is very much essential for student to determine which type of assistance will best suit his/her financial needs. ENGAGE: Learning to Solve Problems, Solving Problems to Learn The ENGAGE program is initially seeking to uncover proposals for innovative research studies that would lead young students to be more "engaged" in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics(STEM).