How to Get Free Money to Save for Your Child's College Education Did you know that a college educated person will earn 2.5 times more over a lifetime than someone without a post secondary education? College educated people are more likely to keep their jobs when ... The Role of Private Enterprise in Putting Man into Space Has NASA, the monolithic space agency, failed in it's quest to put man out into the cosmos? Will profit coupled with man's need to explore be the driving engine which sends man into the cosmos? Think... Government Grants Within The United States Education Sector The United States of America prides itself as having one of the top countries with the most efficient and functional educational systems. The US has been consistently working towards the improvement of the country's education-related initiatives. What Are Title IV Programs and How Can They Help You Pay for College The Title IV programs help college students save money and protects their rights, is a service provided by the government that is responsible for higher education to help prepare undergrads for the real job market after they graduate.
Hundreds of people flocked to the African-American Philanthropy Summit held by the Cleveland Foundation, integrating a theme entitled “Inspiring 100 Acts of African-American Philanthropy.”