Are You Eligible To Receive A Federal Student Aid? The Department of Education offers several types of educational financial assistance such as grants, federal loans, and work-study programs. It is very much essential for student to determine which type of assistance will best suit his/her financial needs. Choosing An Online Private College And University Private colleges and Universities are known for their high standards and excellent academic programs. Their online programs are no different. If you are ready to get your Bachelor's degree, or if you... Community College Tuition is Affordable Community colleges are local colleges that offer two year degrees and certifications. Students can take classes at community college and earn credits toward a two year or four year degree program. C... Educational Grants - Financing Your Education with State Assistance The Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (LEAP) provides grants to States that can be used in financial assistance programs to help support eligible postsecondary students.
Bristol and Plymouth has been awarded the badge of “social enterprise cities”. The badge will also be given to four more cities as part of a scheme to lure investment into social businesses.