What is the Difference between Getting a Federal Student Loan and a Private Student Loan? Student loans can be very tricky, and are very confusing to most. In many situations, families are accepted for all different kind of loans and then are left in the dark when it is time to pay it back or fail to realize that they owe as much due to accrued interest. The Future Leaders Exchange Program: Host Family and School Placement and Monitoring The ECA has constituted the Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) program wherein it seeks to promote mutual understanding between the citizens of the United States of America and the inhabitants of Eurasia by way of sending secondary school students from Eurasia to live in an American community for a full academic year. College scholarships for adults If you are an adult returning to get your college degree, you know that it can be expensive. Whether you are commuting to classes or doing an Online college degree, the tuition is about the same. Pa... Computing Education Grants Program for the 21st Century The National Science Foundation has recently established the Computing Education Grants Program for the 21st Century (CE21), wherein the agency primarily aims to create a robust computing research community, as well as a computationally competent 21st century workforce, and ultimately, a computationally empowered citizenry.
A Toronto-based organization, Youth Social Innovation (YSI), has recently announced two investments that involve Growth Mosaic and MENTORnetwork. The two companies will each receive a $10,000 loan.