What is the Difference between Getting a Federal Student Loan and a Private Student Loan? Student loans can be very tricky, and are very confusing to most. In many situations, families are accepted for all different kind of loans and then are left in the dark when it is time to pay it back or fail to realize that they owe as much due to accrued interest. Distance Learning College You might be at a crossroads in your life. You might realize that you need your Associate's degree or Bachelor's degree to land that exciting and high-paying job you have always wanted. You might rea... Pell Grants - Help with Financing Your Education The Federal Pell Grant Program is overseen by the Department of Education and falls under the Federal Student Aid Information Center. In order to be eligible students must be enrolled in eligible schools that may be public or private nonprofit institutions of higher education. National Institutes of Health: Expanding the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements in Human and Model Organisms The National Institutes of Health, in cooperation with the National Human Genome Research Institute, has established a funding opportunity to support the Expanding the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements in Human and Model Organisms project.
Founder of the Eden Project, Sir Tim Smit, supported the Yorkshire Venture Philanthropy (YVP) investment program launch, which is designed to improve funding in social enterprises within the region.