Cancer Education Grants Program


The National Cancer Institute, more commonly referred to as NCI, is an agency operating within the National Institutes of Health that is largely accountable for conducting and supporting research studies, training courses, health information dissemination, and other activities that are associated with the causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer, and cancer survivorship.

The National Cancer Institute has developed the Cancer Education Grants Program wherein it seeks to financially support innovative educational efforts that would contribute to the reduction of cancer incidences, morbidity and mortality rates; as well as the improvement of the quality of life of surviving cancer patients.

The Cancer Education Grants Program has been existent since the year 1994 and has long been providing support to innovative cancer education grants program that aim to translate the knowledge obtain from the research studies into actual public health applications.

The program is exclusively intended for biomedical researchers, health professionals, dental, medical, nursing, and several other health professional students, including graduate and undergraduate students; and members of the lay community.


Cancer Education Grants Program
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The TopGovernmentGrants Editorial Staff maintains one the most comprehensive Websites offering information on government grants and federal government programs.

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