Now, you will need to be prepared to stay for awhile and to take notes. It is likely that books about shcolarships will be in the reference section and you will not be able to take them out.
But copy down any leads. Write or call the organizations listed as potential sources of money. Ask what their requirements are, when their deadline are. If you call and get a secretary, you may be able to get some hints or tips about applying. Do not be afraid to ask. You can explain that you have been away from school for awhile and would be glad for any suggestions.
When you fill out applications, be sure to type or write neatly. If
you are asked to write a letter or essay, do a draft first. Read it
aloud to make sure it 'flows'. Ask a professional, a librarian, a teacher, pastor or someone with a professional position to read your draft. If they make suggestions, pay attention.
Apply for as many scholarships as you can. There is money out there and you can obtain some for your college degree. they have about scholarships for adults.
About The Author
Kate Lindemann is a college professor who has created an web site for adults returning to get their college degrees online. There are more tips about obtaining scholarships at: This article may be reproduced as long it is used as written and this bio and link are included with the text.
Many people, organizations and businesses in Miami are actively committed to philanthropy. As Javier Alberto Soto, president and CEO of the Miami Foundation, puts it, “Miami is home to a young, diverse demographic that’s looking for ways to get involved, ways to improve our community that aren’t traditional, like a formal gala.”