College scholarships for adults

 by: Kate Lindemann

If you are an adult returning to get your college degree, you know

that it can be expensive. Whether you are commuting to classes or doing an Online college degree, the tuition is about the same. Paying for college can be a problem.

But did you know that there are scholarships just for adult students?

Yes, and you could be the recepient of one of those scholarships.

First you need to get clear about how scholarship grants are designated so you do not waste time looking for money from programs for which you are not eligible.

There are some scholarships that are only for graduating high school

students. But there are many others that are 'general' ie., not restricted

by age or current attendace in high school and you as well as

a high school student could win one of these. And there are a

number of scholarships designated for adult or returning students


If you really want a scholarship, you will apply for both the

non-restricted grants as well as the programs restricted to adult,

returning students. "Casting a wide net is more likely to land

some fish!"

Here are some tips about finding scholarship money.

First, look locally. Go to your local library and explalin that you are about to return to college to get your degree. Ask what books or

references they have about college scholarships for adults.


College scholarships for adults
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About The Author

Kate Lindemann is a college professor who has created an web site for adults returning to get their college degrees online. There are more tips about obtaining scholarships at:

This article may be reproduced as long it is used as written and this bio and link are included with the text.

Additional Resources

category - Education Grants

SMART Grants - Educational Grants for the Student of Math, Science and Languages
National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grants assist those undergraduate postsecondary students that major in foreign languages or certain designated technical fields. Financial grant assistance is provided on need-basis to help these students meet their educational expenses.

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