Community College Tuition is Affordable
Page 2ct college tuition costs increase at about twice the general inflation rate, about 8% per year. The future and long term costs are something that all college students, current and future, should consider when choosing a college.
Even though community college tuition rates and four year college costs increase, many students benefit from financial aid programs. Government grants such as the Pell grant provide funding for many college students. In fact students who attend community colleges may qualify for grants that would cover most or all of their community college tuition costs.
Scholarship programs awarded by colleges, businesses and non profit organizations are also available to help students defray the cost of community college tuition. With a combination of savings, financial aid, and scholarships many students today are able to afford community college tuition and further their education.
About The Author
Michael Carter is a contributor at an online resource for college students with information about financial aid, student loans and scholarships.
Community College Tuition is Affordable
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