Conservation Innovation Grants Program


The Natural Resources Conservation Service, more commonly known as the NRCS, is a federal government agency operating under the United States Department of Agriculture that is primarily responsible for providing technical assistance services to farmers and other private landowners and managers.

The grants and initiatives of the NRCS are all designed to contribute to the achievement of the agency's general mission which is to constantly produce sustainable, nutritious, abundant food supply and to develop thriving ecosystems that support the diversity of life.

In line with this mission, the Natural Resources Conservation Service in the state of Michigan has recently established the Conservation Innovation Grants(CIG) Program wherein it intends to stimulate the creation and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and initiatives.

The Conservation Innovation Grant projects are expected to facilitate the transfer of conservation technologies, management systems, and innovative approaches into NRCS policy, guides, references, technical manuals, and to provide sectors.


Conservation Innovation Grants Program
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The TopGovernmentGrants Editorial Staff maintains one the most comprehensive Websites offering information on government grants and federal government programs.

The staff also provides resources to other Websites with information on environmental grants and grants for youth programs.

Additional Resources

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