Department of Agriculture: Value Added Producer Grants
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The VAPG program will competitively award funds that are focused on Planning Grants and Working Capital Grants.

Awards under Planning Grants are worth no more than $100,000 while the ones under Working Capital Grants have a ceiling funding amount of $300,000.

The Department of Agriculture is planning to administer a maximum of 250 grants with an estimated budget amounting to $37 million for the VAPG program for the fiscal years 2010 and 2011.

In order to know more about the Value-Added Producer Grants program, interested applicants can visit the or the website.

Interested applicants will be deemed eligible to apply for this program if they are/belong to:

a) Independent Producers

b) Farmer or Rancher Cooperatives

c) Agricultural Producer Group

d) Majority-Controlled Producer-Based Business Ventures

The Department of Agriculture, the primary agency funding the Value-Added Producer Grants program, is the nation's leading agency responsible for providing food for needy people in the country and around the world.

The agency has also been constantly working towards anti-hunger efforts since its establishment in 1862.

Department of Agriculture: Value Added Producer Grants
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About The Author

Michael Saunders is an editor of one the the most comprehensive Websites offering information on government grants and federal government programs.

He also maintains Websites providing resources on environmental grants and grants for youth programs.

Additional Resources

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