Department of Homeland Security: 2011 Earthquake Technology Transfer


Throughout its history, the United States of America has suffered from various natural disasters such as floods, wildfires, winter storms, landslides, wind storms and earthquakes.

The US government has established an agency, specifically the Department of Homeland Security(DHS), to address concerns related to terrorist attacks, man-made disasters and just as importantly, natural disasters.

According to data gathered by the DHS, among the many natural disasters that could and have taken place in the US, earthquakes cause the greatest threats to lives, properties and economies.

Which is why, in response to this data, the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA), under the DHS, has constituted the Earthquake Technology Transfer Cooperative Agreement program.

For every fiscal year, FEMA will establish a budget allocation for the Earthquake Technology Cooperative Agreement program.

A cooperative agreement means that the Federal government, in this case FEMA, agrees to provide funding to any public or private organization (in this case the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute) as a form of assistance for the purpose of helping the authorized recipient achieve its goals and objectives.

As specified in the notice of funding opportunity announcement, The Earthquake Technology Transfer Cooperative Agreement is focused on the following objectives:

a) Establishment of research and technological developments regarding effective earthquake loss reduction tools and policies

b) Dissemination of information about building codes and practices for the professional community


Department of Homeland Security: 2011 Earthquake Technology Transfer
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About The Author

Iola Bonggay is an editor of one the the most comprehensive Websites offering information on government grants and federal government programs.

She also maintains Websites providing resources on environmental grants and grants for youth programs.

Additional Resources

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