b) The transfer of technologies from university research studies to technology-based small business concerns.
c) The deployment and diffusion of technologies that would lead towards benefiting small business concerns.
d) The development of a consortia of organizations, entities and individuals to improve the technological capabilities of small business establishments.
The SBA is set out to award a maximum of 20 grants for the FAST Partnership program with which they have allocated an overall ceiling budget amounting to $2,000,000.
To know more about the Federal and State Technology Partnership Program, visit Topgovernmentgrants.com or go the SBA.gov website.
Every organization and institution located in the United States, including but not limited to Small Business Development Centers, state economic development agencies, or any other entity that is involved in the development of small technology firms, will be considered eligible to apply for the FAST Partnership Program.
The Small Business Administration, the primary agency funding the Federal and State Technology Partnership Program, is the country's leading agency responsible for strengthening and maintaining the economy by way of protecting and assisting the interests of small business establishments all over the country.
Federal and State Technology Partnership Program
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About The Author Iola Bonggay is an editor of TopGovernmentGrants.com one the the most comprehensive Websites offering information on government grants and federal government programs. She also maintains Websites providing resources on environmental grants and grants for youth programs. |
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