c) Programs and activities that promote the development of relevant curriculum pertaining to examples and problems that are associated with transportation
The program is initially designed to develop programs that are geared towards the improvement of the target students' abilities in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
The target students of the program are those who fall under the elementary and secondary school levels.
The Federal Highway Administration is set to administer funds in the amount of $1,800,000 to support the initiatives of 18 grant awardees.
The institutions and organizations that are eligible to submit an application under the Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program are the following:
a) Local education agencies (LEA)
b) State educational agencies (SEA)
Business establishments, nonprofit, and for profit organizations are also eligible to enter into a cooperative agreement with the LEAs and SEAs to assist in the process of implementing the activities of the program.
The Department of Transportation, the primary agency that is funding the Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program, is the country's leading agency that is responsible for ensuring a fast, safe, efficient, accessible and convenient transportation system that is capable of meeting the needs of the American people.
Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program
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About The Author Michael Saunders is an editor of TopGovernmentGrants.com one the the most comprehensive Websites offering information on government grants and federal government programs. He also maintains Websites providing resources on children grants and education grant money. |
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