The NSF intends to carry out its mission by leading numerous initiatives and by establishing grant programs such as the Energy, Power, and Adaptive Systems which primarily seeks to invest in the design and analysis of intelligent and adaptive engineering networks, including sensing, imaging, controls, and computational technologies for a variety of application domains.
Next up is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, more commonly known by everyone else as NASA. The agency is known for being accountable for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research. Its primary agency mission is to "pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research."
Among others, it intends to achieve this mission by administering grant programs such as the ROSES 2012: Terrestrial Ecology Project, which seeks to solicit research proposals from eligible parties declaring their intent to support basic and applied research and technology studies across a broad range of Earth and space science program elements relevant to the files of Earth Science, Heliophysics, Planetary Science, and Astrophysics.
Meanwhile, the US government also has the Office of Science and Technology Policy, operating as an office in the Executive Office of the President (EOP). The office is generally tasked to accomplish its threefold mission which is to "(a) to provide the President and his senior staff with accurate, relevant, and timely scientific and technical advice on all matters of consequence; (b) to ensure that the policies of the Executive Branch are informed by sound science; and (c) to ensure that the scientific and technical work of the Executive Branch is properly coordinated so as to provide the greatest benefit to society."
Government Grants Within The United States Science and Technology Sector
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About The Author Iola Bonggay is an editor of one the the most comprehensive Websites offering information on government grants and federal government programs. She also maintains Websites providing resources on philanthropy giving and community grants. |
Bina Sitaram, a 40-year old former senior garment technician in the fashion industry, has created a social enterprise that affords young students lessons in healthy living by holding gardening, cooking and arts and crafts sessions.