1) Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) - The ILAB is an office that is operating under the Department of Labor which provides funding opportunities by way of cooperative agreements for the implementation of projects that are largely designed to aid developing countries in the unfortunate process of fighting the worst cases of child labor, human trafficking, and forced labor. In addition, the ILAB also works towards the improvement of working conditions and the enforcement of worker rights.
2) Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) - The BLS is an office that is operating under the Department of Labor which provides funding opportunities in the from of cooperative agreements in an effort to support the dissemination of technical statistical data and related information on labor force programs and activities.
3) Employment and Training (ETA) - The ETA runs financial assistance programs that are pursuant to the Workforce Investment Act, which are all geared towards the administration of programs for the benefit of the youth, adults and dislocated workers, workers with disabilities, Indians and Native Americans, and for migrant and seasonal farm workers, as well as national emergency grants for workers affected by mass layoffs, plant closures, and disasters.
4) Mine Safety and Health (MSHA) - The MSHA is an office that is operating under the Department of Labor which provides grants to non-profit organizations so as to help them offer educational and training services, technical assistance, and assistance to states in the process of administering and enforcing state programs and occupational safety and health technical assistance including consultant services.
5) Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) - The ODEP is the branch of the DOL that awards competitive grant funds to support the establishment of short-term pilot and technical assistance projects that are all designed to develop, test, evaluate, identify, and disseminate policies that would help increase employment opportunities with people with disabilities.
6) Veterans' Employment and Training (VETS)- The VETS is an office that is operating under the Department of Labor which provides grants to all eligible veterans in the United States.
To know more about the programs and services provided by the Department of Labor, visit http://www.dol.gov.
Grants From The Department of Labor
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