Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program
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In line with this mission, The Department of Housing and Urban Development has recently established the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program wherein they intend to provide assistance to states, local government units, Native American Tribes, cities, and countries in their complex attempt of determining and controlling lead-based paint hazards in eligible privately-owned rental or owner-occupied dwellings.

HUD is set to administer a total of $61,000,000 to support this project.

In order to be eligible to submit an application under the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program, you should be a:

a) Native American Tribe

b) Country, city, parishes

c) Other units of local government.

Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program
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About The Author

Michael Saunders is an editor of TopGovernmentGrants.com one the the most comprehensive Websites offering information on government grants and federal government programs.

He also maintains Websites providing resources on philanthropy giving and community grants.

Additional Resources

category - Home Improvement Grants

Community Development Block Grant Program for Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing within the Department of Housing and Urban Development, has recently established a funding opportunity entitled Community Development Block Grant Program for Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages (ICDBG).

Department of Housing and Urban Development: Energy Innovation Funds for Multifamily Pilot Program
Pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010, the Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD), has recently announced a funding opportunity entitled Energy Innovation Fund: Multifamily Pilot Program.

Rural Community Development Initiative
The Rural Community Development Initiative can be awarded to legally qualified private, public, and tribal groups or organizations that have the experience and capability of providing training and technical assistance to nonprofit community-based housing and community development organizations, as well as low income rural communities.

Grants From the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Iola Bonggay is an editor of TopGovernmentGrants.com one the the most comprehensive Websites offering information on government grants and federal government programs.

She also maintains Websites providing resources on environmental grants and grants for youth programs.

The Larder Cook School in West Lothian is a social enterprise that trains young people for a career in the food business. Recently, the school has launched a crowdfunder to help it teach another 80 students a year.

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