Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program High Priority Grant Opportunity


In the year 2000, the United States Department of Transportation established a separate administration specifically for the ensuring the safety of commercial motor vehicles (CMV) and truck drivers, called the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

The FMCSA was established in pursuant of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999, and since then has been constantly working towards the enactment and enforcement of traffic safety regulations.

In addition to its existing programs, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has recently announced the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) High Priority grant, which enables the agency to provide funds to State agencies, local governments and organizations representing government agencies as they as train and educate qualified officers and employees in strict coordination with State motor vehicle safety agencies.

The MCSAP High Priority grant also aims to improve commercial motor vehicles safety in compliance with CMV regulations, and at the same time fund projects that increase public awareness and education, including those that showcase the potential to reduce the percentage of large truck and bus-related accidents.

As stated in the official notice of funding opportunity, the FMCSA has established five specific objectives for the MSCAP High Priotity grant program, including:

a) To implement, promote, and maintain national programs that improve CMV safety;

b) To increase compliance with CMV safety regulations;

Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program High Priority Grant Opportunity
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Additional Resources

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