Small Business Grants - Support for Veterans

In America today there are currently more than 45 million veterans. Many of these vets continue to provide service to their communities through small business ownership. For the most part government agencies do not provide direst government grants to start a business, veterans often have the same difficulties that other small business owners in finding financing. However veterans, with the dream of starting their own business, can avail themselves of the Patriot Express Loan that consists of several small business administration loan programs. These programs provide assistance to all veterans who seeking small business financing.

The Small Business Administration is dedicated to assist the service people of America and provides the Patriot Express Loan Program for veterans who desire to initiate their own business and want to start commercial activities. The SBA also plays a role in encouraging growth and job creation during this process, an indispensable role to support the nation's economic prosperity.

Patriot Express Loan that can be used for various commercial purposes that include, initial cost, working capital, growth, stock management or purchases of equipment. The scope of the small business support offered by the SBA is illustrated by the fact that more than 14% of commercial activities and more than $ 1 billion debt in America are guaranteed by SBA annually for small business owners.

Small Business Grants - Support for Veterans
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About The Author

Michael Saunders is an editor of He edits a site on Government Grants for Women Owned Businesses and also edits HandsNet - A Human Services News Website.

Additional Resources

category - Small Business Grants

Disaster Relief Loans from GovLoans
GovLoans is a website created by the United States Federal Government that is designed to serve as the public's gateway to loan program information. One of the several kinds of loans that are featured in the GovLoans website are Disaster Relief loans.

Program for Investment in Micro-Entrepreneurs Technical Assistance
The Program for Investment in Micro-Entrepreneurs Technical Assistance Program is designed to decrease the number of disadvantaged micro-entrepreneurs by helping them enhance their management capabilities, by way of providing them with technical assistance and training in the areas concerning activities that are associated with starting, expanding and growing their businesses.

Small Business Administration's Loan Guarantees Program
The Small Business Administration has established the Loan Guarantees Program wherein they aim to be able to provide guaranteed loans to small business establishments which are not capable of acquiring financing from a private credit marketplace but greatly manifests the ability to repay funds in a timely manner.

Minority Business Enterprise Centers for Minority-Owned Businesses
The The Minority Business Development Agency has recently constituted the Minority Business Enterprise Centers (MBEC) Program wherein it aims to support minority-owned businesses by providing them with electronic and one-on-one business development services for a reasonably nominal fee.

Bina Sitaram, a 40-year old former senior garment technician in the fashion industry, has created a social enterprise that affords young students lessons in healthy living by holding gardening, cooking and arts and crafts sessions.

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