The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, more commonly known as EERE, is an agency that is operating under the United States Department of Energy.
The The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy is designed to put up investments by way of grants and programs in order to explore high-risk. high-value research and development projects in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
In line wit this objective, EERE has established a funding opportunity to support the SunShot Concentrating Solar Power Research and Development Project wherein it aims to fund revolutionary applied scientific research studies that will help develop highly disruptive Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technologies in order to help meet the 6 cents per kWh cost target by the end of the decade.
The project also seeks to start and develop research studies that will look into technologies that have the potential for a more efficient, less expensive, and more reliable performance that existing commercial and near-commercial CSP systems.
SunShot Concentrating Solar Power Research and Development Project
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The TopGovernmentGrants Editorial Staff maintains one the most comprehensive Websites offering information on government grants and federal government programs. The staff also provides resources to other Websites with information on environmental grants and grants for youth programs. |
The World Bank’s Development Marketplace, a competitive grants program, has provided $1.4 million grants to 12 social enterprises in the northeastern states of Assam, Meghalaya and Mizoram for development activities and capacity building investments.